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Learn Go Programming Today

Welcome to Golang 101! We are creating something awesome for you to learn the Go Language NOW!!

What is Go?

Go is a programming language developed at Google in 2007. Go runs on many platforms including Linux, OS X, Windows, and OpenBSD. Go is quite popular today, especially when it comes to back-end development or server-side architecture. It’s also sometimes called “Golang” for Go language.

As per the Stack Overflow Survey Results , Go is the most loved programming language for web developers.

Go is designed to be compiled, statically typed, and Go programming can significantly boost performance. Go has its own package management go modules with go get command. Go programming language has a clean syntax which is easy to learn and read for beginners as well as seasoned programmers.Go has an easily readable source code which can be written very concisely. Go also has the go fmt tool to automatically format go programs for you.

Golang is similar to some other languages like Java or C++ but with a few more features. Golang does have garbage collection, explicit thread synchronization primitives and first-class reflection go allows go programmers to choose between statically go typed go or dynamically go typed go programming. Go is frequently used with SQLite, MySQL or PostgreSQL databases. Go also has an active community behind it which regularly release new updates.

Why Learn Go?

Go is a go modern programming language for the web. It can also be used to write systems and network programs. As go is a statically typed language, it make it easy for developers to catch bugs in their programs at development time instead of at runtime. Go can be used to write command line applications, services or web applications.

Go can also be used with go frameworks like Martini, Gin, Revel etc to make web programming easy and productive.

Go also allows programmers to import existing code written in other language. There are built-in go packages which are very handy go when it comes to development. Go has a growing community behind it and there are many conferences , meetups, events and workshops that you can attend.

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